Medical Oncologist

Medical Oncologists who visit Armidale Hospital

A specialist who plans treatment strategies in conjunction with the patient for solid tumours eg chemotherapy. Haematology conditions are also treated in partnership with haematology specialists at Royal North Shore Hospital.

  • They are contracted to come to Armidale once a week alternatively.
  • To access the oncologists you need a doctors referral to be sent to the oncology unit and the unit will arrange appointments when all your tests and scans are completed and results available..
  • The consultation occurs in the ambulatory care building (clinic building) on the Armidale hospital campus.
  • The consultations are bulk billed.
  • These doctors are accompanied by advanced trainee registrars and sometimes medical students are also present.

Medical Oncologist Associate Professor Nick Pavlakis BSC MBBS PHD MMED FRACP

Visiting Medical Oncologist
Northern Cancer Institute
Royal North Shore Hospital

Medical Oncologist Dr Adrian Lee BSC(MED) MBBS (ONS) FRACP

Visiting Medical Oncologist
Northern Cancer Institute