The Wig Library was set up to support cancer patients and anyone with a health problem such as alopecia.
The Wig Library is situated at Shop 1, 89–101 McDonald Drive, Armidale. People need to make an appointment for a fitting. Two people do a fitting with you. Appointments are worked to suit you, taking into account your oncology appointment times and your travel.
The Wig Library was established because there was nowhere in the whole of New England where someone could be fitted for a wig. People could only purchase scarves or hats from the Chemist; otherwise the closest place was Sydney. Because the closest place was Sydney, a committee was formed in Armidale. It took 12 Months to register the business before the doors could be opened. Committee members sold raffle tickets to raise money needed to purchase their first wig. The Wig Library now has 200 wigs to choose from. Committee members number around 16–20 and constantly raise money. Committee members meet once a month and new members are always welcome.
To access the Wig Library you need to be referred by your GP or from the Oncology Unit. You will find this information in your package given to you when you first start treatment.
The cost to you is a $50 donation. The Wig Library raises money to cover the remaining costs (Generally around $300.)
Having the Wig Library reassures people that there is help available prior to treatment and prior to losing their hair.
Gwen: 02 6772 6524
Betty: 02 6771 1131
Jan: 02 6779 1334 or 0402 357 836
Barbara: 02 6772 5725